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Discover these empowering publications designed to boost self-confidence and inspire personal growth.

Build the bridge between your dreams and reality!

Are you Dreaming BIG? But is that all your doing though? Have you turned your dreams into actionable steps? This book is all about accountability. It's about turning your dreams into a reality. It's one thing to dream BIG but another to do even BIGGER! Inside this International Best-Selling book, you are provided strategic methods and guidance to truly create the life and business you want to lead and live. There is no perfect time to start but right now! By dreaming BIG and doing BIGGER, you are challenging yourself to drop all limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, imposter syndrome and really focusing on what it takes to do the BIGGER steps!

Cover of the book Dream Big Do Bigger

Are you ready to Boss Up?

International Best-Seller "Inspiring Women Professionals Who BossUp" Profiles Women Who Have Broken The Mold To Achieve, Overcome Difficulties Or Inspire Change Through Relentless Endeavor. Hailing From Across The Globe, Diverse Walks Of Life, And Varied Disciplines Including STEM, Healthcare, Finance, Coaching, And Non-Profit, "Women Who BossUp" Is A Welcome Companion To Any Boss Or Boss In The Making.

Cover of the book Women Who Boss Up
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